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ERIN MOORE IS A trailblazer at the forefront of innovation for tv, FILM AND aDVERTISING using movement on camera.

Whether telling a story, driving emotion, or connecting culture, movement on camera is the driving force that engages visual interest for audiences. An idea is only as good as it comes to life. Erin’s expertise is in streamlining this process; she helps creative teams and commercial professionals achieve a more authentic movement aesthetic for the talent, with the added benefit of trimming production costs.

With over a decade of experience working as a professional dancer from broadway stages to television and film sets, Erin understands the the complexities of the industry and aims to bring a researched approach to aid creatives navigating the film/tv and ad sector with both sides of the table in mind, from talent to execs.



The commercial creative process has lacked an important asset to ensure positive campaign results. Movement strategy is the solution.


Erin’s process involves a comprehensive method for success to serve open-minded, detail-oriented creative teams.


Watch her creative process come to life, from concept design to production, in real world commercial campaigns.

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